Medical – HSE Medical
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According to the Diving at Work Regulations 1997, in order to dive at work in the UK all divers must have a valid certificate of medical fitness to dive, issued by an HSE Approved Medical Examiner of Divers (AMED). The certificate of medical fitness to dive is valid up to a maximum of 12 months. Choose your date and select register. The next page will show available time lots.
To be issued with an HSE medical, you must either have in your possession an in-date HSE medical certificate or a GP questionnaire (confirming your past medical history), completed and signed by your GP.
If this is your first HSE medical (or if your current medical has expired) then you will need to obtain a GP questionnaire Please be aware that your GP may charge a small fee for this and it may take several weeks to obtain.
NB: Without a completed GP questionnaire we are unable to complete your medical.
Photographic ID in the form of a driving licence or passport is required on the day. Please be aware you will be required to give a urine sample on the day.