An Ode to DDRC
The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of DDRC may be diving, however did you know that every day we treat non-diving patients for a range of conditions? We work closely with the NHS to support these elective patients who will often be receiving treatment from us for quite a few weeks, which means they get to know the staff here well – and vice versa! One of our recent patients wrote an absolutely brilliant ‘Ode to DDRC’, which we just had to share.
An Ode to DDRC (aka The Ballad of Biggsy’s Socks)
They put you in a chamber and fit you with a hood;
They even let you back out, if you’re really good.
You enter with trepidation, as the door behind you locks;
Then sit and have a giggle at Biggsy’s mismatched socks.
Odd things go on in the chamber, as you endlessly watch the clock;
Like secret porthole messages, and menus in the Med Lock.
So Friday it’s ‘payday’ noodles, with prices never heard;
When Chris is hungry later he pulls some from his beard.
With mismatched scrubs and face masks, we really look the best;
But it’s Tony’s ‘tuneful’ singing that puts us to the test.
Too many names to mention, you really are the stars;
The chamber’s like a spaceship, taking us way up to Mars.
Tabby and Nic are trying to ‘dysgu siarad Cymraeg’;
‘Cymru am Byth’ their motto and ‘rydy’n ni’n caru’r Ddraig’.
Ria once went to Wales to study, quite some time ago;
But the only Welsh that she remembers is the order, ‘Dim Parcio’.
You truly are super people, you make us feel at ease;
You’ll give us an extra blanket without even asking please.
Chris is always smiling, he’s forever full of cheer;
And Phil he likes his Brew Dog, he’s a connoisseur of beer.
They test your eyes on Tuesdays, with a chart fixed to the door;
‘Get it right’ Doc’ Colvin tells you, ‘cos’ there’s a trapdoor in the floor’
(I think he’s kidding).
It’s been a bit of a journey, yet you’ve made it quite a pleasure;
Biggsy was on leave again last week, a true gentleman of leisure.
So thank you all for all your help, your humour and your care;
Don’t forget to come to Wales as you’ll find a welcome there.